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How to Livestock

Farmer’s Weekly brings you the latest updates news and tips on how to turn your livestock farming into a success.

Beware of a growing foot rot threat

Foot rot in livestock is presently manifesting in many regions of South Africa that are experiencing ongoing heavy rains or humid weather conditions.

The dangers of using livestock medicines incorrectly

As farmers we need to make ourselves conversant with the proper use of medications and other aids such as dips that counteract ectoparasites and doses that control internal parasites.

Genetic and other factors to consider when breeding pigs

This guide unlocks the secrets to successful pig farming. Learn how to feed your pigs for optimal growth, avoid costly mistakes, and choose the right genetics to build a thriving farm.

Understand the veld: three stages to optimal grazing management

The types of grasses or shrubs that grow on any particular piece of veld will give you an idea of what phase of plant succession that veld is in. This will guide you on how to manage it.

Which beef breed is best for you?

Choosing a breed to farm depends on various factors, including the environment in which you plan to farm. Janine Ryan reports.

Benefits of having a well-trained dog for farmers

Dog trainer Jarred Hodgson says a well-trained dog can be a game changer for farmers in the country.

Can electro-ejaculation cause greater stress than regular handling?

Electro-ejaculation, a method for collecting semen from rams, is vital for sheep breeding but raises animal welfare concerns. This article explores a study on minimising stress during the procedure, while ensuring semen quality for breeding success.
cryopreserveed sperm cells

The importance of plant extracts in semen cryopreservation

Dr Cyril Pilane, a researcher at the Agricultural Research Council, explains why plant extracts are becoming the gold standard as supplements for semen cryopreservation.

How to install a proper fence structure

Fencing in many communal areas has become dilapidated or dysfunctional due to poor erection and maintenance. Shane Brody explains how a sturdy fence should be constructed.

Start training as soon as you get your puppy!

There are many different opinions when it comes to training puppies. Some people say only start at six months, while others say eight months. Well, they are wrong.

Tips for preparing livestock to be sold at a good price

Good but not excessive fat covering is generally the most important factor to consider as a farmer involved in the production of slaughter livestock, as heavier animals return more money, says Shane Brody.

Farm dog care: Achieving a healthier ‘pack structure’

Jarred Hodgson, a dog trainer, offers some good advice on how farmers can keep their best friends’ tails wagging while helping them to retain their position in the pack.