Nampo 2024 welcomes over 16 000 visitors on first day

Some 16 122 visitors attended the first day of Nampo Harvest Day 2024, held near Bothaville in the Free State yesterday. They arrived by, amongst others, 55 fixed winged planes and 13 helicopters.

Nampo 2024 welcomes over 16 000 visitors on first day
The first day of Nampo Harvest Day 2024 saw 16 122 visitors attend. More than 900 exhibitors are attending the show this year.
Photo: Janine Ryan
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The event was attended by local and international guests and exhibitors covering the entire agricultural value chain in South Africa.

More than 900 exhibitors are taking part in the show this year. Derek Mathews, Grain SA chairperson, said that the organisation also had a waiting list of more than 400 exhibitors that were unable to get space this year.

The Nampo Harvest Day has, since its inception, taken the lead to display agricultural innovation on a one-stop platform in South Africa. The event has grown from a small local gathering held on the farm Donkerhoek in the Bloemfontein district and attended by 200 farmers 56 years ago to the world class event of today,” he told Farmer’s Weekly.

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Nampo Harvest Day also provides for business beyond South Africa’s borders. This is underscored by the fact that yesterday was attended by the UK’s Department for Trade and Business to promote business between the UK and South Africa.

John Humphrey, the UK’s commissioner trade commissioner, told Farmer’s Weekly that he attended Nampo this year because he wanted to explore the possibilities for increased business between the two countries.

“The UK and South Africa has a long trading relationship and South Africa is the UK’s largest trading partner in Africa,” he said.

Nampo will run until 17 May.

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Annelie Coleman represents Farmer’s Weekly in the Free State, North West and Northern Cape. Agriculture is in her blood. She grew up on a maize farm in the Wesselsbron district where her brother is still continuing with the family business. Annelie is passionate about the area she works in and calls it ‘God’s own country’. She’s particularly interested in beef cattle farming, especially with the indigenous African breeds. She’s an avid reader and owns a comprehensive collection of Africana covering hunting in colonial Africa, missionary history of same period, as well as Rhodesian literature.